To Swing Or Not To Swing…
Purses. We all love them. They are a perfect accessory and can hold everything that we need (and then some). I personally have a cupboard full of vintage ones that I adore but, thanks to the kindness of my husband (or as I call him, the purse I love the most) they stay at the ready as my ID and lipstick fit ever so nicely in his pockets. But, of course there are many times when I too am as loaded down as the next gal, having to subscribe to the, "have purse, must travel" model, (as one of my best pals says). Carrying more than I should and knowing it every step of the way. So, how can I minimize the physical cost of my fashion statement?
May I introduce movement for the ribs, intercostal muscles (the muscles between the ribs) and the surrounding connective tissue. The intercostal muscles help with things like rib expansion (when we breathe), rib translation (gliding them right and left), chest wall stabilization, and more. The good news is that swinging your arms is associated with a spiraling movement which positively impacts the ribs and surrounding areas (from head to toe). The bad news... not swinging does the opposite and purses (or brief cases, kids, walkers, etc) are on this side of the news. There is so much more to this but, you get my point. Now, if you think the reason for this post is to ask you to stop using a purse (or other) you're crazy because that's not realistic. Instead, I've provided a couple of focused movements below. These won't change everything but they are a start.
1. Tune into your body and listen to it. Notice where you’re feeling this. I can feel this into my hips on one side.
2. With parallel feet, and your hand behind your head (or on your chest) take a nice inhale into the area with the red arrow (mid thoracic). Visualize space and take a few breaths. Both sides.
Please forgive Oscar and Pearl as they just couldn't resist being a part of this (and were anxious for their walk).
I hope you like this. Share with your friends.
xo Kathryn
A Happy Balance
3. Still mid thoracic, try and gently glide your ribs in the direction of your elbow (just a tiny bit). Don't glide from your waist, hips, or feet. Just mid thoracic. Both sides.
4. Inhale and glide as you take your elbow towards the ceiling. First do only mid thoracic. Next you can go further by including your waist. Hold for about 20 seconds. Both sides.