Looking Up…


I just love looking towards the sky to see what's going on. It's always an amazing show. It makes me curious and gives me the feeling of infinite possibility. I believe this fascination comes from my Mom, who as a kid in upstate New York, loved to lie in her backyard while staring at the sky watching the birds and the various shapes and forms unfold. She said, there wasn't any television so this is what you did. Television or not though, she still does it which of course, I love.

So why, when so much is happening up, are so many of us always looking down. Well, we're deep in thought, afraid of falling or just unaware that this is where our gaze is. But the reality is that looking upwards actually engages your brains upper visual field which positively impacts the creative and meditative portions of your brain. In addition, looking at the horizon, and above, improves your confidence, gives you a broad peripheral view and strengthens your proprioceptive sense of where you are in space (which is a win/win for balance).

Give it a try this weekend. Rather than always looking down look towards the horizon. I think you'll appreciate the view (and so will your brain).

Take care,
xo Kathryn
A Happy Balance


Celebrate And Hinge…


Happy Easter…