Labor Day…


Last week my husband Van, was on a mountain bike ride and found a wallet. He brought it home and although we looked for identification we couldn't find a business card or contact number. We did find him online but the numbers listed had all been disconnected. In the end it was the police who were kind enough to make the effort to track him down and connect us. Immediately, this gentleman came to our home and while thanking Van profusely, opened his wallet and pulled out a $20. As Van politely declined he was met with the words, "thanks, I'm unemployed and am really on a tight budget". My mouth fell open. Here, was this unemployed man, offering to give my husband the thing, that he himself needed most. It was unbelievable.  

Now Labor Day is upon us. And at a time when we usually celebrate the end of summer and pay homage to all American workers for their contributions and achievements let's, remember this man. And many more like him. Let's work to be a little kinder to one another and a bit more grateful. Let's take a moment to send some positive collective energy to those less fortunate. And ultimately let's LABOR to improve things.   

Here's to a brighter future for all of us.
I'm so grateful for all of you. Happy Labor Day.
xo Kathryn
A Happy Balance

And please forward this on to those you love. 




Snack Anyone??