In Honor Of…

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG)

What an amazing woman. She was forward-thinking, fair, graceful, soft, tough, compassionate, honest, brave and fiercely determined. She was a game-changer. I remember learning many years ago that she did the plank daily so I cannot think of a more fitting way to honor her than by following her example.


The plank works all the right muscles. Shoulders, back, abdominals, gluteals, spinal muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings. It can realign your spine and pelvis. It can ground you. You will be stronger. But, like RBG you need to be precise when you do it. She did it on her elbows but I'm recommending using your hands (it's less pressure on your neck).  

Here are a couple of tips to get you started:
Breathe through it,
Draw your shoulders away from your ears (but gently),
Push up through your shoulders (away from your hands), 
Look at the mat without lowering your head (your ears and shoulders should be on the same plane),
Allow your abdominals to work without sagging through your back (you should not feel your low back),
And, if you have wrist issues you can put a pad under the fleshy part of your palms to decrease pressure.

If you think you cannot do it I will remind you that she was 87 and fought cancer four times. It might be a challenge to start with but it will get easier and easier until soon your day won't feel complete without it. Now, go forth and emulate your inner RBG. 

Please share this with those you love.

A Happy Balance


Drawing A Blank…


Feet In The Grass…