Bicycle Bob…
Early in August, Bob Mettauer (also known as Bicycle Bob) met his goal of riding his bicycle for the 100,000th mile. I love this for a variety of reasons but most notably because, Bob is 95 years old.
In 1991, Bob retired from the telephone company and wanted to look forward to something. His first goal was to ride 85,000 miles before he turned 90. He would do this by riding 7 - 9 miles per day, right after breakfast. The age of 90 came, that box was checked and it was time to revise his goal. And he just kept moving forward.
Is goal setting important? Absolutely. Studies show that having goals, in at least two areas of your life, make you happier, healthier and more satisfied. And because of the pandemic don't you think this is just the perfect time to try something like this? I mean I know we all make lists but, this is different.
Let's try it. Think about something that you'd like to work on. Lose the quarantine 15, clean out the closet, feel more grounded, learn to speak beginning French. The world is your oyster.
Once you've chosen one it needs to become a S.M.A.R.T. goal. S.M.A.R.T. is the acronym for
Specific - What do I want to accomplish?
Measurable - What will show me that I'm making progress?
Achievable - Can I do this? Do I have what I need?
Relevant - What's the benefit to reaching my goal?
Timed - When do I want to reach this?
When you're done it will look something like this:
I will increase my cardiovascular exercise by briskly walking two miles, twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursday, by the end of the month.
Now, as we say at our house, "Go get em".
And remember to share this with those you love.
xo Kathryn
A Happy Balance