Vaccine Update, Take II
Welcome to Vaccine Update, Take 2 (I feel like a storm watch news anchor).
I know that everyone is not going to the same vaccine dispensing sites (and that each state is handling this differently) but my belief is that a lot of this is going to be pretty standardized. So, I'm giving some updates based on Mom's jaunt to the Disneyland SuperPOD yesterday. Do with these what you may.
1. For Orange County, California folks (who own iphones), there is an option before you go, which is that you can download the Othena app (from the Othena site here) or you can go to your app icon on your iphone and search Othena. The app has a QR code (see sample picture below) that allows you to move pretty seamlessly from check point to check point (once in the tent). The app also allows you to take the pre-test check-in questionnaire (covered below in #9) so you can save 10 minutes. I just downloaded the app and it's okay but not necessary (especially if it's just going to cause additional stress). My brother took Mom yesterday (thank you again Charles) and said that if you don't have the app (which we didn't) you can just hand your confirmation paper from person to person which, works just fine.
2. The process of waiting in the car has already changed and now after you park you will be immediately directed to the well marked line (with signage) that has your appointment time on it (for instance 3:15P). There was plenty of signage and help but if you need assistance, just ask. Remember though to keep your distance.
3. For those of you who need a little extra support you may consider taking a portable chair or something to sit/lean on. You can always leave it in your car but the line Mom initially had to wait in turned out to be a 45 minute wait. Since we've all been waiting for this vaccine for almost a year, what's another 45 minutes, right?! But, in case standing for long periods is challenging you'll have support. Wheelchairs were also available for those in need.
4. If you have a family member or friend that you want to take you can. They let you have someone with you all the way to the tent.
5. Take a hat. There was shade during Mom's appointment time but that might not be the case for all.
6. There were portable toilets so no need to worry. And of course Disneyland had them in many colors. Ohhh ahhh..
7. Yes, hand sanitizer and wipes are everywhere. Use them.
8. There was an 18 question, pre-check questionnaire with questions like, have you had a stroke, are you on blood thinners, allergies, etc. If you answer "yes" to any of them you will be punted to a medical professional pre-vaccine (for another quick screen). From a nursing point of view this is extremely smart and will help them keep an eye on everyone, as necessary. This is very proactive and I love it. Because my mom answered yes to one of the questions she was vaccinated by a physician (which of course she loved).
9. After Mom received her vaccine they provided her a sheet with a follow-up date. My understanding is that the date is approximately when you will follow-up for Vaccine #2 And, that 3-4 days before this date you will get an email giving you a site choice and time choice. But, I want you to all double check on this at the time you are given the sheet. And also, if you do not check junk mail please start making it a habit to do so, as you never know when your computer will filter something important, that needs your attention.
10. You can boost up your immune system before you go by taking your zinc, vitamin C and anything else you believe will keep your immune system strong. It's a stressful time so, what the heck.
11. I cannot believe I left this very important piece of information out initially but, in an effort to avoid arm soreness (that often happens after an intramuscular injection) relax your arm before/as they are giving the injection. You can do this by taking a giant exhale, or one of my dearest friends recommends resting the back of your tongue (yes, figuring that out alone will help you rest your arm). After the injection give your arm a gentle massage.
12. Also, I know you will all try and get there really early but remember the earlier you get there the longer you will wait. No one is getting in early so just be on time.
13. That should be it for my vaccine updates. Remember to relax, be kind and relax again. We're all in this together.
I hope this is helpful.
Take care. xo