Is It All In Your Genes??


I never saw my Dad in a pair of jeans but, I bet he looked cute. When asked, "why Dockers Dad"?, he'd explain that as a kid in Arizona he'd worn jeans daily and, couldn't leave them behind fast enough. In comparison, I love my jeans. I can wear them with flats or heels, a cute top or jacket. They can highlight an outfit in just the perfect way. Unlike Dad's, my jeans are like a second skin and a part of my proverbial DNA, that I like.

Wouldn't it be great if our genes operated in a similar "fashion"?! The ability to enjoy ones we love and shove others to the back of the closet? Well, it's not that easy but, we sort of can. It's called Epigenetics and is the study of biological mechanisms that will switch genes on and off. There are a lot of layers to this but one study involved identical twins. At birth the twins were the same genetically; but with age and differing environmental stressors, diets, modes of exercise, stress management and other lifestyle choices their genes were expressed differently. And not just some genes but, 70% - 90% can be influenced (positively or negatively). "What??? Are you kidding me?", you ask. Doesn't this make the phrase,"there is nothing I can do about it because it's in my genes", irrelevant? Well, except for 10% of your genes, YES!!! Proving that you have a lot of control and you should use it.

Epigenetics is definitely not a one size fits all science. But maybe the knowledge of it will not only make for some thought provoking conversation but will also be incentive to make fruits, vegetables, whole grains, exercise, stress reduction, and other healthy habits a big part of your life. Both, in the name of your jeans... and your genes.

xo Kathryn

A Happy Balance

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